Two Month Review
I thought I would share a quick list of the things I’ve learnt in my first two months of work at my new company. The different items I listed don’t have the same weight, some are just tips or little hacks, some others are new frameworks or disciplines. I don’t claim to master everything in that list but I feel confident talking about these and explaining what they are to someone who would need to fill in for me.
Unix, Linux, Command line tools
- ssh - how it works - configuring multiple ssh keys
- rsync
- scp
Git and Gitlab
- git flow - tags - releases - hotfixes - features
- git milestones
- gitlab
- gitlab-ci
- workers
- ci/cd
Unix CLI tools
- sh scripts
- du -hsc
- systemctl - monitoring and managing Linux services
- journalctl
- systemd
- services, .service files
- cron jobs
- users rights
- su
Frameworks and Librairies
- rabbitMQ - Message broken, sending messages accross micro-services
- fog openstack - Librarie to communicate with openstack servers
- OVH horizon openstack - instances - images - deploy scripts
- hosting a website on OVH server
- domain name, A, CNAME
- angular - basic angular notions, use component, librairies, modules etc
- ngx-translate
- ng2-smart-table
- create new components, modules, dependency injection
Testing Rails with RSpec
- acceptance tests
- auto generated doc - apitome
- rspec synthax, subject, let - wordless rspec syntax
- enqueued jobs
- improved my testing skills
- unit testing
- ensuring test watertightness
- mocks and doubles
- edge cases
- slackbots - slack-ruby-client library - types of auth bot/user
- VCR - faking http responses
- docker
- docker-compose
- hosting rails and angular apps on docker containers
- communication in beetween containers
- docker DNS
Project Management
- Gitlab milestones
- Releases - Issues
- Agile development
- Estimating task time
- Remote work advantages
- Importance of async communication